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We release two little living room publications a year, absolutely full of brilliant work by artists and creatives based in the UK. Our aim is to showcase early-career and developing creatives in a wide range of artforms, particularly focussing on those living in Scotland, women and LGBTQ+ individuals who have been underrepresented and are facing obstacles in the sector.

The publication accepts writing and visual art in all its forms. We have previously published poetry, prose, creative essays, recipes, articles, how-to guides, short stories, photography, collage, illustration, digital artwork - the list goes on! If we can print it on a page, it can go in the publication.

want to be a contributor?

Our submissions open twice a year and they are guided by the theme of the issue - for example, the period issue, the intimacy issue, and self-determination/Pride issue.

We would love to see your work! Check out our submissions page for more info about the process and sign up to our mailing list to find out when submissions are next open.

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